All updates on latest arrivals are available in our official Wechat account, and you can purchase any item in our Wechat mini-app or Alipay mini-app. Don't waste time shopping various suppliers - thousands of stones are available in our app.
By registering with our official account (scan the QR code in the upper right corner), you will not only receive the latest news about the availability of goods and the arrivals, but you will also be able to track your order, get post-sale support, as well as pre-order stones of desired dimensions or qualities and much more.
Our mini-app in WeChat or Alipay is our online store. On the main page of the application, you can see all the stones currently available for purchase, and with the help of various filters you can choose the stone that you were looking for.
By default stones are sorted by the date of arrival - the latest items are shown at the top. At the same time, you can sort the results by any parameter you desire - hottest offers, discounted stones, or find a specific stone of a specific color, weight, shape and size.
The main page displays two key characteristics of the stone - its weight and price. For more detailed information on each stone, you need to go to the "stone file" page, where additional characteristics will be shown - its color, its size in three dimensions, more photos, presence of defects, type of surface, etc.
Main page
Details page
Filters page
Similar goods
Wholesale goods
Wholesale details page
Bargaining for a stone
If you have found a desired stone, but you disagree with the price - then the opportunity to bargain is for you!
Here how it works:
Bargain interface
Bargain history
Stone qualities
Every stone on our platform is carefully evaluated. Based on the assessment results, each stone is assigned the following qualities:
basic parameters (weight and size W * D * H)
And in accordance with the qualities possessed by the stone, items are available for search through filters
Search filters
Evaluation parameters
All qualities assigned to a stone are based on our experience and our grading system. You can familiarize yourself with it by following the links "Amber Academy" and in greater detail - by reading the description of each parameter "Color", "Shape" and "Surface".